Skyway Recommended August 11th to 17th
This week: Ottawa imperils Shaw Wireless Sale; Germany’s Postal Service Now has Encrypted App; Major Internet Routing Problems Experienced August 12th
Globe and Mail | Ottawa puts Shaw’s sale of Wireless Spectrum to Rogers in peril
After abandoning its plans to enter the wireless business, Shaw Communications Inc. looked as if it had found a way to soften the financial blow by selling a valuable chunk of wireless spectrum. Now, that plan is in jeopardy, as Ottawa is expected to block its estimated $300-million deal to sell unused wireless spectrum to Rogers Communications Inc. Read More…
GigaOm | Now even Germany’s postal service has an encrypted messaging App
SIMSme is a fully-fledged rival to the likes of WhatsApp, Threema and Snapchat, with the added bonus of being based in a jurisdiction with really tight data protection laws. Read More…
ZDNet | Internet hiccups August 12th? You’re not alone. Here’s why…
If you found your Internet speed has been pathetic August 12th and some sites wouldn’t load at all, you’re not alone.

Many tier-one Internet service providers (ISPs), and in turn, the last mile ISPs they support, experienced technical problems that resulted in bad service throughout the US and some parts of Canada. Read More…
The Register | Shaw Stumbles Around Internet with “Routing” Sickness
Canadian ISP Shaw experienced a “nationwide outage affecting internet browsing” last week, according to the polite phone robot put in place to discourage affected punters from overwhelming support systems. The issue appears to be multi-faceted. Your Canadian vultures have personally encountered numerous “rolling” outages over the course of the day, and the issue continues to to evolve. Read More…