New security threats on your phone and other mobile devices

Short and sweet this month but I’m afraid the time has come when we have to be wary of even the lowly flashlight app.

I’ve come across two recent items in the mainstream media about security threats for mobile devices I wanted to share with you for December’s post.

First up, mobile devices in your office:

The office environment is an ever changing environment – especially when it comes to technology. More and more we see mobile devices being used in place of regular computers. As the popularity grows so do the risks of some of the activities we do every day on these devices. Have a look at this article from USA Today which talks about these risks:

Risky stuff you’re doing on your work computer

I don’t have statistics for this guess, but I suspect that Apple locks down on more of this activity than does Google. How many of you, especially on Android, have a flashlight app you purchased — or downloaded for free — for your mobile device. Have a look at the following video. You may rethink the way you get apps after watching. This video was published on October 2014:

Got a question or an idea for a topic you would like to see covered in one of my upcoming posts? Write to and sound off. I’ll do what I can to address your questions or concerns either personally in a reply email or on the blog. Sorry about this Grinchy post, but… have a great holiday season, and until next year, take care.

– Wes