Skyway West is offering aggressive pricing for their Symmetrical Full Duplex Fibre service, at specific buildings throughout the Vancouver Lower Mainland. Each Fibre connection will INCLUDE a 2nd Internet connection (a 25 Mbps ADSL service), to be used for Automatic Failover. The business ADSL service can also be used for basic web browsing and email, leaving the Fibre connection ...
Skyway West’s Policy Routing Service takes advantage of the attributes of two separate Internet connections, instead of paying for an extra service simply for Failover. At Skyway West, we highly recommend two separate WAN links to the Internet, ideally using two different technologies. For example, High Speed Cable and Business ADSL. High Speed Cable is great for basic web browsing and ...
This week: Serious Flaw in OpenID, OAuth logins; Towards Independent Internet Governance; Microsoft patches XP Explorer flaw; Canadians Battling for Tech “World Cup” CNET | Serious security flaw in OAuth, OpenID discovered Following in the steps of the OpenSSL vulnerability Heartbleed, another major flaw has been found in popular open-source security software. This time, the holes have ...
This week: Internet Explorer Vulnerability; Independent Net Governance Step Closer; Ottawa threatens to cut Telus out of Wireless Auction; Goodbye to Net Neutrality? Reuters | U.S., UK advise avoiding Internet Explorer until bug fixed (Reuters) – The U.S. and UK governments on Monday advised computer users to consider using alternatives to Microsoft Corp’s Internet Explorer browser until ...
This week: Flaws in Heartbleed Detection; Tablet Maker brings Hope to Haiti; BC’s Privacy Commissioner Unhappy about Mental Health Disclosures; Flaws in Digital Privacy Act; Google the Lobbyist The Guardian | Heartbleed: 95% of detection tools ‘flawed’, claim researchers Free web tools and not picking up the vulnerability, leaving consumer data exposed. Some tools designed to ...
Skyway West is offering a Symmetrical Full Duplex Fibre service for businesses at 3700 North Fraser Way in Burnaby. You can choose from 10 Mbps to a full GigE connection, starting at $695 per month. Fibre is preferred by companies requiring guaranteed speeds, the best technical solution and highest level of support. Fibre has the lowest latency, jitter ...
This week: Heartbleed, Heartbleed and More Heartbleed; Net Neutrality; Data Breach Reporting; Ottawa’s Digital Strategy IT World Canada | Hunt on for Heartbleed vulnerability Revenue Canada site will be closed until weekend as organizations around world scour their systems. Revenue Canada’s IT staffers continue to plow through the department’s servers to see if any personal information or ...
This week: Canadian Wireless Customer Rights; Canada’s Digital Future; Facebook VoIP Calling; Bitcoin Trends Downward; Telus CEO Entwhistle Steps Down CRTC | Checklist: Do You Know Your Rights as a Wireless Consumer? The Wireless Code establishes basic rights for all wireless consumers and puts new requirements on service providers. Read More… Government of Canada ...
This week: No Warrants Necessary for Canadian Telcos to Hand over Data; Kids Crowdfunding Coding; Netflix: What Happened to Net Neutrality?; TED Vancouver Update Michael Geist Blog | Canadian Telcos Hand Over Data on Thousands of Subscribers Without a Warrant The debate over Bill C-13, the government’s latest lawful access bill, is set to resume ...