Moving your company location? A frustrating event in a business operation. So many things to plan and organize. In this day and age, moving your high speed Internet connection should be top of your list. Your business relies on it, and any outages can cause mayhem and lost business. Here, then, are 5 sugestions when ...
I’m often asked, when arranging Skyway West DSL provisioning, what is a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) Splitter, and what does it do? DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology allows the use of more bandwidth over a customer’s existing copper telephone line for the transmission of data. Basically, the splitter separates voice, which uses a very ...
Skyway West Provisioning facilitates the setup and startup of your Business ADSL Services provided by Skyway West. First, an order is placed with Telus to either add ADSL to your existing single business phone line, or install a “Dry” copper cable. Added to your line, you are able to use the line simultaneously for voice ...