Last week the CRTC announced its long-awaited decision on the rates Telus and other large providers can charge for wholesale high speed ADSL services sold to independent ISPs like Skyway West. While we’re happy that the decision effectively rejected Bell’s request to charge independents based on GB usage, it also unfortunately has the effect of ...
The CRTC Usage Based Billing decision is expected by December 2011. Bell, Rogers and Shaw are lobbying to profit from video whether you buy their own video content or go “over-the-top” to watch somebody else’s. Consumers are concerned that this means they will have no choice but to pay extra to watch Netflix and YouTube. ...
Canadian Independent Internet Service Providers (ISP) are preparing for our most important battle against the four providers who dominate the Canadian market. These four, Telus and Shaw primarily in the West and Bell Canada and Rogers in the East are at the same time our reluctant suppliers and fiercest competitors. July 11 marks the beginning ...