Skyway West Recommended: January 30th to February 5th

New blog feature! Each Monday we’ll pass on links to articles we thought were well worth reading from the previous week, kind of a Digg-lite for those who live where we do (British Columbia, Canada), work like we do (high speed business internet), and drink the same kool aid we do (internet trends, internet privacy, cutting-edge technology, ...

Internet Smack Down: SOPA Gets Spanked

Any  Washington Beltway Bandit will tell you that money, power and a smart lobbying in the back offices are how bills get passed  in  the US Congress or Senate. Here’s a breakdown of the industry funding for the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA):   Definitely, some pretty powerful support for this legislation. Add in the ...

Jan 18 Internet Blackout Protesting SOPA and PIPA

Some of the major Internet brands are going “dark” Wednesday Jan 18 to protest the US Legislature’s “Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA) and “Protect Intellectual Property Act” (PIPA). Both bills are intended to stop copyright violations by foreign “rogue” web sites trafficking in everything from prescription drugs to illegal movie downloads. The drug and entertainment ...

The Five Stages of a Marketing Program

16. November 2011 Internet Trends 0
I’ve worked with a lot of different companies over the years — CTO for a national long distance reseller, Operations Manager for an Interconnect phone company, consulting on High Speed Internet Access and Services for Business, to name a few. What defines the good ones is how well they rise to the occasion during tough times… Do you know ...

Three Ways to Lower your Smartphone Bill

Cellular costs are for many companies their fastest growing, and most uncontrollable, expense. Everybody wants a Smartphone and sometimes they want two, a Blackberry for the office and an iPhone or Android for personal use. They quickly become your primary communication tool at home and the office and your voice calls, text and data charges ...