Short and sweet this month but I’m afraid the time has come when we have to be wary of even the lowly flashlight app. I’ve come across two recent items in the mainstream media about security threats for mobile devices I wanted to share with you for December’s post. First up, mobile devices in your office: The office environment is ...
New Reading!: Bell wants Independent ISPs to lay their own Fibre; FBI says Watch for Hackers, While Hacking; Russian site Hacks thousands of Private Webcams; Execs targeted through vulnerable Hotel Wi-Fi; Obama wants Open Internet; Canada needs more Internet autonomy; New Payment System won’t stop Data Breaches; FDA Concerned about Medical Device’s Cybersecurity | Fibre Hearing: Many small ...
No doom and gloom this month. A colleague and friend bright the following article to my attention and I thought I would share it with you. Very interesting reading – and not too long an article either! This one is all about media streaming, the number of devices out there doing it and all the ...
Guest Post for Skyway West from Marc Bissonnette Internalysis | Canadian ISP first published, October 5th, In todays’ day and age, reliable Internet access for your business is as critical as reliable electricity: Most businesses must have it or they face serious consequences without. This is the reason many businesses choose to go with their incumbent ...
New Reading!: Facebook Curating your News; FCC takes stand against Data Security; Netflix’s bet on UltraHD; FBI to hit back at encrypted cellphones?; Canadians spending more than ever on communications; Almost half of time online on mobile; SSLv3 Support Disabled due to Poodle Vulnerability NY Times | How Facebook Is Changing the Way Its Users Consume Journalism ...
There is a lot of discussion lately regarding the “bug” called Shellshock. This bug exists within specific computer architectures and leaves these devices vulnerable to potential attack. The interesting thing is that the architecture this bug resides in is Unix/Linux based – which means it includes Apple computers and portable devices. Yes, that’s correct – ...
Guest Post for Skyway West from Marc Bissonnette Internalysis | Canadian ISP To the hard core geeks, like me, nothing in this list will be a surprise. To the majority of business owners out there, however, who speciliaze in what they are in business for, many tend to think of their Internet Service Provider ...
For Your Thanksgiving Weekend Reading: CRTC, ISP and reseller foil Spammer; Flash drives contain Malware?; LinkedIn plays by Rules in China; Every Big US Company Hacked by China; JP Morgan Data Breach; CRTC Locks out Google, Netflix; iPhone Locks out NSA Computer Dealer News | CRTC, computer reseller, ISP foil spam Campaign The Canadian Radio-television ...
If you’re starting a business, upgrading an old Norstar phone system, or have multiple sites, business communication greatness awaits. Over the top? Are we kidding? Not at all. Choosing and using the “right” telephone system is crucial to the success of any business… and the process of deciding on a system is often both ...
This week: Google the Target of European Backlash; Can Netflix Sustain Business Model?; “Backoff” Hacker Tool is Widespread; Internet Exceeding Memory Limit for Old Routers; CRTC Probes Wireless TV NY Times | Google Is Target of European Backlash on U.S. Tech Dominance A top German official called for Google to be broken up. A French minister ...