Skyway Recommended January 6th to 12th

13. January 2014 Uncategorized 0
This week: Target Hacker Victim #s Grow; Finder’s Fee for Software Bugs?; Rogers Counting Internal Traffic Against Data Cap?; How NSA Nearly Killed the Internet; Apple, Google, Microsoft Race to Bring OS to Cars Each Monday we’ll pass on links to articles we thought were well worth reading from the previous week, for those who ...

2013 Skyway Support Blog Posts in Review

08. January 2014 Internet Support 0
January is the time I like to take a look back at my previous year’s posts and update you with news or other tidbits of relevant information I think you might find interesting. I’ve included links so you can review articles you may have missed. So without further adieu… Last year’s blog entries started out ...

Skyway Recommended December 16th to 29th

This week: Top-secret NSA unit infiltrates computers; Sharks Tweeting?; Target Data Breach Bringing Down Everybody, including Hackers; Advisers urge Obama to Curb NSA Data Mining; Target Hack Exposes 40 million Credit Cards; Mobile Payments Raise Consumer Protection Issues. Each Monday (okay, we missed last week — Merry Christmas!) we’ll pass on links to articles we ...

Skyway Recommended December 2nd to 8th

This week: Understanding ‘Net Neutrality’; Microsoft likens Government Snooping to Cyber attacks; Google Robots May Pose Delivery Challenge to Amazon Drones; Canada’s Anti-Spam Law Arrives July 1st, 2014; Facebook’s Wind-Powered Data Center Each Monday we’ll pass on links to articles we thought were well worth reading from the previous week, for those who live where ...

Nuts and Bolts: A Holiday Tradition

One of the traditional activates that happens around our house during the Holiday Season is to make a big batch of homemade Nuts and Bolts. For those of you not familiar with the delicious snack you take a couple of different kinds of cereal (in our case it’s definitely Cheerios and Rice Chex), mix in ...

Windows 8.1 Review: Why, why, buy?!

Well, I did it. I updated my PC to Windows 8.1. A friend of mine upgraded his computer at the same time which was helpful as we could compare experiences. And so, without further ado, this is what we found… Installation About the only problem I had with the install was finding the actual install ...