This week: Canadian Mint Tests its Own Digital Currency; No US carriers in Wireless Auction; Brazil’s Plan to Purge U.S. from Internet; Back up before Upgrading to iOS7; State of Wireless Competition in Canada; Where Should Mobile Apps live?; Bell tries to kill rules designed to help new carriers Each Monday we’ll pass on links ...
As more and more critical business applications move to the Cloud, both Bandwidth and Reliability become important considerations when reviewing your Internet connectivity. Here are two ways to implement a low cost, high speed backup solution to your existing Internet connection. Cellular Wireless Backup If your existing Internet connection is giving you the Bandwidth you ...
This week: Snowden says NSA subverts basic web security features; Rumored “Free” Amazon Smartphone not so Free; NSA manipulates security standards; Musk hand-designs rocket part; Cheap iPhone Cheap Enough? Each Monday we’ll pass on links to articles we thought were well worth reading from the previous week, for those who live where we do (British Columbia, ...
By the end of 2013 there will be a major change coming to many of the secure web sites and mail servers on the Internet: effective January 1, 2014 all secure certificates used on the Internet will need to be upgraded from 1024 to 2048 bit encryption. For those of you who have no idea ...
This week: Half of Canadians ok with Government reading email; Verizon not interested in Canada; NSA’s tips on Mac security; Avoid getting hacked like NY Times Each Monday we’ll pass on links to articles we thought were well worth reading from the previous week, for those who live where we do (British Columbia, Canada), work ...
Each Monday we’ll pass on links to articles we thought were well worth reading from the previous week, for those who live where we do (British Columbia, Canada), work like we do (high speed business internet), and think about things we do (internet trends, internet privacy, internet censorship, cutting-edge technology, etc.). If you don’t want ...
Each Monday we’ll pass on links to articles we thought were well worth reading from the previous week, for those who live where we do (British Columbia, Canada), work like we do (high speed business internet), and think about things we do (internet trends, internet privacy, internet censorship, cutting-edge technology, etc.). If you don’t want ...
Each Monday we’ll pass on links to articles we thought were well worth reading from the previous week, for those who live where we do (British Columbia, Canada), work like we do (high speed business internet), and think about things we do (internet trends, internet privacy, internet censorship, cutting-edge technology, etc.). If you don’t want ...
Yes, the title of this month’s post may make you think of that old Monty Python bit about Spam and eggs however, sorry to say, that won’t be the case. I’ve noticed in the last few weeks a huge increase in the amount of Spam showing up in my junk mailbox. By now most people ...
Each Monday (except last week — away for summer rest) we’ll pass on links to articles we thought were well worth reading from the previous week, for those who live where we do (British Columbia, Canada), work like we do (high speed business internet), and think about things we do (internet trends, internet privacy, internet ...