4 Things to Consider when Designing your Next-Gen Communications Infrastructure

Changing your voice communications infrastructure means thinking about things way beyond voice: network infrastructure, bandwidth, video conferencing, messaging and hardware to name a few. Over the years I’ve observed businesses often avoid big changes until events force their hand. An office move; expansion; new management; old gear that breaks a little too often to fix. ...

How to prevent outgoing email getting tagged as Spam

03. April 2012 Internet Support 1
We’ve had a few questions raised recently about the issue of outgoing email being tagged as Spam. I thought it would be both fun and interesting to discuss the topic in this month’s blog post. I thought I might also touch on a few ideas to make your email less “Spammy”- looking. A message tagged ...

Skyway West Recommended March 25th to April 1st

Each Monday we’ll pass on links to articles we thought were well worth reading from the previous week, kind of a Digg-lite for those who live where we do (British Columbia, Canada), work like we do (high speed business internet), and think like we do (internet trends, internet privacy, cutting-edge technology, etc.). If you don’t want ...

Skyway West, High Speed Business Internet Specialists

22. March 2012 Internet Services 0
Skyway West is a full service ISP, delivering services across Canada, with a main focus in BC and Alberta. All of our services connect to a Multi-Peered, Multi-Homed network, including direct connectivity to Telus (Western Canada), Bell (Eastern Canada), BC Net, Level3 (#1 U.S. carrier) and NTT ( 3rd largest carrier in the world). We ...

Infographic: Protect Yourself Online

14. March 2012 Internet Security 0
Great Infographic from the folks at FrugalDad. With most websites collecting user data, every person with a computer should be thinking about how to protect their sensitive information. The graphic includes some troubling statistics about just how much personally identifiable information is floating around unprotected on the Internet. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon recently found they ...

Cable vs ADSL: What Should You Choose?

  Skyway West has expertise in all Internet Access Technologies, as well as Network Solutions such as Failover, which can combine ADSL and Cable for the best of both. Contact us for hands-on help in your own Cable vs ADSL debate. Skyway West | Enterprise Level Cable | High Speed Business ADSL   In most towns and cities in Canada, there are two choices ...

Added Value makes the Skyway West Difference

This week, I thought I’d point out some of the things we do at Skyway West Business Internet Services to separate us from Telus, Shaw and the “rest of the pack”. For more info, feel free to text me at 602-262-5262, or email rmcnulty@skywaywest.com. – Robert Weighing the differences between high speed Internet providers is ...