New blog feature! Each Monday we’ll pass on links to articles we thought were well worth reading from the previous week, kind of a Digg-lite for those who live where we do (British Columbia, Canada), work like we do (high speed business internet), and drink the same kool aid we do (internet trends, internet privacy, ...
Skyway West will soon be accepting orders for our new VDSL 15.0 Mbps high speed business Internet service. Our VDSL or “Very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line” service includes a block of real Static IP Addresses hard-coded unto a proper DSL Router (instead of a modem). And like our ADSL service, it runs over a multi-homed routed ...
Moving your company location? A frustrating event in a business operation. So many things to plan and organize. In this day and age, moving your high speed Internet connection should be top of your list. Your business relies on it, and any outages can cause mayhem and lost business. Here, then, are 5 sugestions when ...
Any Washington Beltway Bandit will tell you that money, power and a smart lobbying in the back offices are how bills get passed in the US Congress or Senate. Here’s a breakdown of the industry funding for the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA): Definitely, some pretty powerful support for this legislation. Add in the ...
Some of the major Internet brands are going “dark” Wednesday Jan 18 to protest the US Legislature’s “Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA) and “Protect Intellectual Property Act” (PIPA). Both bills are intended to stop copyright violations by foreign “rogue” web sites trafficking in everything from prescription drugs to illegal movie downloads. The drug and entertainment ...
Run your important applications in a Canadian Private Cloud, with a GigE high speed Internet Connection. Learn about the advantages of… A fully redundant turn-key “Infrastructure as a Service”, and how your applications in the Cloud, Head Office and Branch locations can all be behind a secure, private IP network. Adding Quality of Service (QoS) ...
Happy New Year everyone! We bid a fond farewell to 2011 and welcome in 2012 with all the hope and promise a new beginning offers. New in 2012, Skyway West will be offering online support documentation for mobile devices using Skyway West email accounts. We’ve had an increase in requests from our high speed internet clients ...
When Skyway West started over 15 years ago, we delivered an ISDN service to companies in Western Canada. Now we offer a complete range of services, from a 6.0 Mbps ADSL to a 200 Mbps Full Duplex Fibre service. The following short PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of the Internet Connectivity Services and Value Added ...
I’m often asked, when arranging Skyway West DSL provisioning, what is a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) Splitter, and what does it do? DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology allows the use of more bandwidth over a customer’s existing copper telephone line for the transmission of data. Basically, the splitter separates voice, which uses a very ...
I remember my Dad, sitting at the kitchen table with a pencil, columnar pad, cranking an adding machine. He literally spent days calculating prices for all the varied products his company sold. When I was older, we’d visit automotive trade shows stateside 2 or 3 times a year; if you wanted to import new products, ...