Last month I discussed ways in which you could easily verify your Internet connection status. This month I will cover a few things that might save you some time troubleshooting and resolving your email issues. As before, I will also help provide direction about who to speak with or what you can do to resolve ...
Cellular costs are for many companies their fastest growing, and most uncontrollable, expense. Everybody wants a Smartphone and sometimes they want two, a Blackberry for the office and an iPhone or Android for personal use. They quickly become your primary communication tool at home and the office and your voice calls, text and data charges ...
Working in the high speed internet world means friends and acquaintances always assume I’m all over the latest trends, gizmos, apps and services. And to some extent I am — in fact I have to be, but… A New (OLD) Rule to Live By Only some of you will remember the TV series Banacek back ...
Many of the network connections Skyway West provisions for customers are based on Telus ADSL. Like all network technologies, the ADSL link introduces latency into the network path. That latency is the result of a number of causes. The single largest cause of latency on Telus ADSL is the data interleave configuration on the DSLAM ...
A few weeks ago I wrote about a new 10 Mbps Burstable Fibre Internet service, available throughout most of Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton. We received lots of responses, with many asking how a Burstable Fiber service compares to an Internet connection with Guaranteed Bandwidth. Burstable fiber traffic is assigned a lower priority within our network ...
Yes, voice and data convergence was introduced back in the 80’s. ISDN (“Integrated Services Digital Network”, but some of its more unflattering nicknames included “It Still Does Nothing” or “I See Dollars Now “) was a common variant touted by most major telecom companies. But here we are 25 years later and we still have a ...
“We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know.” One of my favourite quotes is from former US Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld. It’s interesting that he was ...
My next three blog entries will talk about things you can do to diagnose Internet connection problems. While we strive to keep our networks stable, problems can crop up. You will find it helpful to first try and determine if the problem originates at Skyway West or if the issue is on your own network. ...
Combining Cable and ADSL Internet access makes for an easy business decision. The obvious reason is to add Internet redundancy because even a short outage can be costly. Email doesn’t arrive, orders are lost, staff are agitated. For most companies, the costs of lost productivity are much higher than paying the $3/day – the price ...
For about the same cost as a 1.5 Mbps T1 service, Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton businesses can take advantage of a new Full-Duplex 10 Mbps Burstable Fibre Service. This 10 Mbps service is only $695 per month, and for a limited time we will offer a FREE installation, based on a 3-year term. Fibre (or, ...