How a single blog changed photography forever

28. June 2011 Uncategorized 0
When Time needed a photo to illustrate its “New Frugality” cover story in late 2009, it purchased amateur Robert Lam’s image of a jar of change from stock-photo agency iStockphoto. The going rate for a Time cover had typically been $3,000 to $10,000. Lam was paid $31.50. Why the drop in price? Turns out there ...

Pixel Explosions are Coming!

Yes!  It’s true.  Pixels are exploding. Remember when Steve Job said, “1,000 songs in your pocket” … a big deal at the time for Apple’s itty bitty iPOD. Remember SD?  TV – Standard Definition… Heck, nobody could care less what it was, until HD High Definition came out. The numbers of bits we use to ...

The New Telecom: Wiring your Business

For the record, I’m a big fan of IP based phone systems for a whole bunch of reasons I won’t cover at the moment. What I do take issue with, and what you need to watch for, is the split in service delivery.   “Back in the day” the Telco, BC Tel around these parts, ...