A famous advertising slogan of past years was AT&T’s “Reach Out and Touch Someone”, first heard in 1979! For our younger viewers (jk), I’ll explain: It promoted Long Distance calling, which was indeed expensive… a direct dialed Vancouver to New York call was around $4 bucks a minute in those days, and most calls had ...

Wes’ ISP Support Blog

05. July 2011 Internet Support 0
Hi, and welcome to the first entry of my new blog. Here I’ll be looking back over the last ten years I’ve worked with Skyway West and talk about challenges I have had and how I was able to overcome them. Along the way I’ll see about slipping in a few tasty tidbits along the ...

El Internet Magnífico, Amigo!

Yes, it truly is…if you use its full potential. What are some of the possibilities beyond just email and web surfing? Lower telephone Trunk costs with Voice over IP. Lower travel costs with video conferencing (75% less bandwidth is required now for HIGH resolution pictures). Lower international LD costs with SKYPE. Cloud based computing… less ...

How a single blog changed photography forever

28. June 2011 Uncategorized 0
When Time needed a photo to illustrate its “New Frugality” cover story in late 2009, it purchased amateur Robert Lam’s image of a jar of change from stock-photo agency iStockphoto. The going rate for a Time cover had typically been $3,000 to $10,000. Lam was paid $31.50. Why the drop in price? Turns out there ...

Pixel Explosions are Coming!

Yes!  It’s true.  Pixels are exploding. Remember when Steve Job said, “1,000 songs in your pocket” … a big deal at the time for Apple’s itty bitty iPOD. Remember SD?  TV – Standard Definition… Heck, nobody could care less what it was, until HD High Definition came out. The numbers of bits we use to ...

The New Telecom: Wiring your Business

For the record, I’m a big fan of IP based phone systems for a whole bunch of reasons I won’t cover at the moment. What I do take issue with, and what you need to watch for, is the split in service delivery.   “Back in the day” the Telco, BC Tel around these parts, ...