Failover is the practice of employing two internet connections. If one connection fails, your internet traffic automatically “fails over” to the second connection. As more businesses move their applications to the Cloud, the need for a reliable Internet connection is more crucial than ever. Depending on your budget (and your location), a Business ADSL, High Speed ...
On September 22nd the CRTC issued a consumer alert warning customers of Télephone Navigata Westel Communications (TNW, and commonly referred to as “Navigata”) that many of them may lose phone and internet service due to a commercial dispute between Navigata and TELUS. The CRTC is suggesting consumers may wish to explore alternative service providers. ...
Are you ready for Disaster Recovery? Security and business-continuity planning is essential for corporate IT planning, so forward-thinking customers often ask us about off-site backup and disaster recovery. While Skyway West‘s focus is securely connecting customers to wherever their data is stored, our partners Veeam and Whipcord make it simple to create a comprehensive Availability ...
We are seeing more and more business owners moving away from best-effort Broadband services to low latency Full Duplex Fibre connections. Unlike ADSL and Cable, Fibre is Symmetrical and offers a much more robust connection to the Internet, ideal for applications like Voice and Video. But here’s the challenge, there is usually a very significant ...
If you are taking advantage of VoIP (Voice over IP) for your phone system needs — either SIP trunks connected to an on-premise PBX or a Hosted Phone System “in the cloud” — a good Internet connection is essential to a quality VoIP experience. Unlike email or most web-based applications, voice (and video for that matter) require a very low ...
Looking for more Internet Bandwidth? Skyway West is offering a very competitively priced 1,000 Mbps Symmetrical Full Duplex Fibre service at a number of business buildings throughout the Vancouver Lower Mainland. GigE Fibre is ideal if you are looking to move your important applications into a Canadian Private Cloud or need to connect remote users and branch ...
Is your business taking advantage of Voice over IP? Whether you utilize a Hosted “Phone System as a Service” or connecting your on premise PBX to SIP trunks, you’re going to need a Reliable, Robust Internet connection. VoIP needs Low Latency: There is more to an Internet connection’s speed than just its bandwidth. For example, high ...
Looking to add Failover to your Business Internet service? We are seeing a lot of customers adding a High Speed Wireless LTE connection that can automatically kick-in if your main Internet service fails. The advantage to a Cellular Wireless connection is the high speed at a very low cost. For as little as $30 per ...
iTech Vancouver is tomorrow (Oct. 8th), and if you haven’t already done so, register now as a guest of Skyway West… This free pass includes all keynotes, breakout sessions, vendor sessions, networking receptions and exhibit area access. Click Here for more about iTech Vancouver and to Register as a Skyway West Guest While at iTech, ...
Great PUG (Public Cloud User Group) meetup event the other night, held at Robson Communication’s Burnaby BC office. The theme of the event was CLOUD OS, How Operating Systems such as Linux and Windows relate to the Cloud. Paul Turnbull from Red Hat reviewed their operating system and Terence Snijtsheuvel from Softchoice spoke about Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server ...