Looking to add Failover to your Business Internet service? We are seeing a lot of customers adding a High Speed Wireless LTE connection that can automatically kick-in if your main Internet service fails. The advantage to a Cellular Wireless connection is the high speed at a very low cost. For as little as $30 per ...
iTech Vancouver is tomorrow (Oct. 8th), and if you haven’t already done so, register now as a guest of Skyway West… This free pass includes all keynotes, breakout sessions, vendor sessions, networking receptions and exhibit area access. Click Here for more about iTech Vancouver and to Register as a Skyway West Guest While at iTech, ...
Great PUG (Public Cloud User Group) meetup event the other night, held at Robson Communication’s Burnaby BC office. The theme of the event was CLOUD OS, How Operating Systems such as Linux and Windows relate to the Cloud. Paul Turnbull from Red Hat reviewed their operating system and Terence Snijtsheuvel from Softchoice spoke about Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server ...
Skyway West can now deliver a Dedicated Private VLAN to a number of Canadian “Infrastructure as a Service” (IaaS) companies. This could be important if you’re considering off-site Storage, a Disaster Recovery solution or running your business applications in a Private Cloud. Mike Tiernay of Gossamer Threads provided a number of advantages the Cloud offers to both business owners ...
At Skyway West we offer a number of business Internet Connectivity options for 570 Granville St in Vancouver BC. These services include… Business ADSL Bonded ADSL, with NO Loss Failover (up to 100 Mbps) High Speed Cable + Business ADSL + Failover Full Duplex Fibre, Symmetrical 100 Mbps and GigE And for any business with multiple locations, ...
Skyway West Symmetrical Full Duplex Fibre service is available at 7565 132nd St in Surrey BC. As well as Fibre, Skyway can also deliver.. Business ADSL Bonded ADSL High Speed Cable with Failover And for any business with multiple locations, Skyway can connect your remote offices with our Managed Private Network Service. For more information ...
Guest post by Todd Davis and Pat Saavedra from TeloIP (originally posted on TeloIP blog on on 11/19/14 3:32 PM Delivering Next Generation WAN Optimization WAN Optimization is about getting better network performance for less cost. Earlier, we wrote about the challenges of WAN Management and the specific limitations of traditional WAN solutions. Here we explain how Software Controlled Networking (SCN) virtualizes ...
Guest post by Todd Davis from TeloIP (originally posted on TeloIP blog on on 11/10/14 3:32 PM To truly optimize WAN Performance we need to take a holistic approach Optimize: an act, process or methodology of making something as fully functional or effective as possible Business expectations for network performance have evolved rapidly in the past decade, ...
New Year Reading!: Can Gov gets new surveillance powers on Networks; 2015 Security predictions not pretty; Obama: Sony did the wrong thing; new Cdn Wireless Auction; Rogers tries to block Bell Acquisition; Google going through rough patch Toronto Star, Michael Geist | Canadian Government documents reveal telecom providers envision surveillance-ready networks After years of failed bills, ...